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Double Delight: Local Couple Welcomes Second Set of Twins at Fairview Range Medical Center

“Can you imagine if we had another set of twins?” joked Gavin Robinson, upon finding out that his wife, Liz, was pregnant. 

A few short weeks later, the couple heard these words for the second time in two years: “Congratulations! It’s twins!”

Both Liz and Gavin were in disbelief. It wasn’t that long ago that they were naming two other little ones. In August 2018, Liz delivered Thalia and Champion, a fraternal set of girl and boy twins. While twins run on both sides of the family, both Liz and Gavin were astounded by a second pair.

Two sets of twins in two years? What were the odds? Many experts say it is nearly impossible to quantify the odds of having two sets of twins because of the number of variables. With that said, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control in 2019, about 3.2% of live births in the United States were twins and we also know having one set of multiples raises the chances of having multiples again.

Despite their disbelief, fraternal twin boys Bo and Xavier were born on April 7, 2021 at Fairview Range Medical Center in Hibbing, Minnesota. Xavier was born first at 6:13 p.m. and weighed six pounds, eight ounces and was 19 inches long. Bo waited a full 10 minutes before making his grand entrance at 6:23 p.m. He weighed seven pounds and was also 19 inches long. Liz made it to 37 weeks and five days before going into labor, two days before her scheduled induction. 

BabyTwinsStoryBo & Xavier

“I was so happy that Liz made it that close to her due date and that I could be a part of it,” said Liz’s physician and delivering doctor for both sets of twins, Dr. Jan Baldwin from Essentia Health – Hibbing Clinic.

“I’ve never seen the same family deliver two sets of twins in my career,” commented Dr. David Nagel, an OB-GYN with Fairview Mesaba Clinic in Hibbing who also accompanied the birth of both sets of twins.  

Liz delivered both sets of twins naturally and says she had a great team of nurses at Fairview Range’s Women’s Health & Birth Center, describing them as being wonderful and very motivating. 


Liz Robinson holding Xavier. 

Bo and Xavier bring the combined number of children in the family to nine. Gavin and Liz also have a five-year-old girl named Evelyn together, along with four older children from previous relationships.

Robinson Family - (L to R) Thalia, Champion and Evelyn

Thalia, Champion, and Evelyn

Gavin is originally from London, England, but moved here from Florida to play for the Iron Range Hitmen semi-pro football team. During his time on the team, he met Liz, of Zim, Minnesota, and they now reside in Hibbing, Minnesota.


Gavin Robinson holding Bo. 

While some families would feel overwhelmed by so many kids, this now “five under five” mom is appreciating their big family. 

“Our four older children are hitting adulthood. While two sets of twins are a surprise, we are so happy to get a second chance at doing all the fun kid things again, like visiting the zoo and going to the fair,” explained Liz. 

You can be sure, no matter what the Robinson family gets up to, it will include double the delight.




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